Year 7 Admissions

The application process for admissions to secondary school for September 2025 has now closed.

31 October 2024 – National closing date for secondary applications (statutory).

3 March 2025 – Offers issued to parents

If you are not happy with an initial offer, the appeals period starts from your receipt of the offer. Appeal Information will be issued by Lancashire County Council. Please contact Lancashire County Council to appeal for a year 7 place IMMEDIATELY. Please contact your Primary School for any help you may require.

We are currently in a consultation period for admissions in 2026/27. The proposed admissions process and supplementary form can be seen here. Any comments about this should be sent to Mr Dugdale, before Friday 31st January 2025.

In Year Admissions

To apply for a place for current Years 7-11, families are asked to complete an in-year admission form and return this to school alongside a copy of the pupil’s baptism certificate if the pupil is to be considered as Roman Catholic.

We also have a Faith Based Supplementary Information Form that you can complete and submit to school in support of your application.Please see the link above.   You may contact the school office to confirm that the form has been received. Your application will be acknowledged upon receipt and we will advise you of the outcome within a maximum of 15 school days.  Where places are available, but we have more applications than places, the published oversubscription criteria will be applied.

Appealing for a School Place

The Lancashire County Council Appeals Team administers appeals for our school. The team organises the independent admission appeal panels and co-ordinates the appeals process in accordance with the School Admissions Appeals Code. To appeal for a place at Ss John Fisher and Thomas More please complete the online form that can be accessed by the link below. This should be lodged within 20 school days of refusal of admission.

A copy of your form will be sent to the school and a copy will also be sent to the email address you have included on your form, for your own records.

If you are unable to fill in the admissions appeal form yourself due to a disability or any language barrier you feel may compromise your submission then help is available from the Customer Service Centre LCC, who will be able to assist you in filling out the relevant form.

The contact number for for the Customer Service Centre is 0300 123 6707.

Please note that both the Contact Centre staff and the School staff are unable to advise you on your submission and the Contact Centre staff are only able to fill the form out on your behalf.

A hard copy of this information is available on request from the school office (01282 865299)

Determined Admission Criteria