Our ethos
At Fisher More we seek to ensure that the presence of Jesus Christ and His Church is at the very heart of the life and mission of our school. We believe that it is important to “To Let All Our Bright Colours Shine”. We share the vision of the Catholic Education Service, which says that: “Christians are called to fulfil their potential and strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives. Catholic education therefore strives to offer students every opportunity to develop their talents to the full through their academic work, spiritual worship and extracurricular activities”.
Ss John Fisher and Thomas More is dedicated to the ongoing education of children within the mission and vision of Salford Diocese. We acknowledge that parents are the first educators of their children and we support them in this role.
The Designated Pastoral Leaders:
Mr D Swarbrick – Deputy Headteacher
Mr J Walmsley – Director of Pupil Support (KS4) and Head of Year 10
Ms A McClelland – Director of Pupil Support (KS3) and Head of Year 8
Fisher More operates a whole school Behaviour and Relationships Policy that aims to:
• Reward those pupils who always try hard and behave well
• Support those pupils whose learning is negatively affected by the behaviour of others
• Support those pupils whose behaviour prevents them from learning effectively
• Support teachers to ensure that effective teaching and learning is taking place
A full copy of this policy is available from the school or on our website under policies.
Specific aspects of the policy can be found below
Banned items
Banned Items
School is never a place to bring certain types of items which are illegal or have the potential to harm. Designated school staff may search pupils for any prohibited item if there is suspicion that the pupil has it on their person. Searches will be authorised by the Senior Leadership Team only and will be carried out only where school has responsibility for the safety of pupils.
Prohibited items include:
• Alcohol
• Knives and weapons
• Illegal drugs, including legal ‘highs’
• Stolen items
• Tobacco and cigarette papers
• E-cigarettes
• Fireworks
• Pornographic images/racist/homophobic/extremist content
• High energy drinks (except for medicinal purpose)
• Items purchased in bulk for sale within the school grounds
• Any article which a staff member reasonably suspects has been, or is likely to be, used to commit an offence, or cause personal injury or destruction of school property
• Any article banned by the school rules or considered to be inappropriate by the school
Knives/weapon or illegal drugs that are brought into school is likely to lead to a permanent exclusion.
We aim to encourage and support all pupils to reach their full potential, both personally and academically. This is underpinned by a fair and consistent system of sanctions and rewards. At Fisher More we aim to reward pupils who live out the Catholic core values, as well as meet the high expectations of our school’s Behaviour Policy.
Form teachers, teaching staff, support staff, year leaders and members of the SLT will reward pupils for consistently positive behaviour or improved behaviour. We also reward pupils for their excellent reports and attitudes to learning, and especially when they go above and beyond, academically, by doing something positive in our school, or even in the wider community.
We believe that having a positive culture helps the pupils to grow and, as always, we ask for parental support in praising and rewarding their children’s efforts.
Rewards may be given in several ways:
• Tell pupils (privately or publicly, as appropriate) when they have done well.
• Thank groups and individuals for working hard, trying their best, helping, being honest etc.
• Half termly awards assemblies
• Meeting with the Head teacher and Year Leader
• Presentation evenings
• Star of the week
• Early entry to lunch time/break time queues
• Sunday shout-outs on our website and social media pages
• Positive Synergy messages / text messages
• Positive phone calls home from class teachers
• Positive post cards home
• Awards, including subject & attendance badges, certificates, and suitable prizes
• Periodic award of e-vouchers
• Periodic breakfast rewards
• Departmental Student of the Week/Month
• Recognition in assemblies
• School/Press photographs
• Newsletter mentions
• Comments on reports
• Annual Prizes/trophies
• Subject certificates/badges
• School certificates
• Reward trips/events
Recorded Positive Merits will be given by teachers for pupils who show a positive attitude towards their learning. Merits can also be issued as a recognition for performance outside the classroom. All merits are recorded on Synergy and can be accessed daily by parents – these will accumulate over the academic year and prizes and rewards will be given to those pupils accordingly. This will also include form/house prizes and rewards for form/house groups who receive the most merits.