Staff Designation
Mr S Atkin Assistant Headteacher
Year Group What pupils will learn
Year 7 Curriculum Map
Year 8 Curriculum Map
Year 9 Curriculum Map
Year 10 Curriculum Map
Year 11 Curriculum Map

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health, and Economic education) helps our pupils to stay safe, healthy and prepare for life’s opportunities. PSHE incorporates health and wellbeing, relationships and sex education, and topics related to the wider world such as finance and careers.

Each year group have one 1 hour lesson of PSHE every week. Topics are taught by a variety of staff on a rotation basis with each topic containing 4/5 lessons.

The school has a statutory responsibility making it compulsory by law to provide your child with Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) from September 2020.

RSE lessons include teaching about: healthy relationships, including friendships and intimate relationships, families, growing and changing including puberty, personal hygiene, changing feelings, becoming more independent, keeping safe and consent, digital lives, social responsibility, developing self-esteem and confidence. Pupils also have opportunities to ask questions that help prepare them for relationships of all kinds in the modern world.

All PSHE teaching takes place in a safe learning environment and is underpinned by our school’s Catholic ethos and values. The RSE element is rooted in the Catholic Education Service’s model curriculum, placing the formation of the individual at its core and recognising parents as the prime educators of their children.

We’d like to invite you to follow this link to find out more about what your child will learn, view the materials and resources being used in lessons and discover how you can best support your child to discuss these topics at home – parental password and user name can be obtained from Mr S Atkin.

Guest speakers from the NHS, fire brigade, police, and Positive Action in the Community (PAC) will also deliver sessions throughout the year to different year groups on topics such as fire safety, water safety, knife crime, on-line safety, domestic abuse, consent, and sexual health.

Parents will not be able to withdraw their child from Relationships Education. Parents will only be able to withdraw their child from lessons which address sex education, i.e. those that do not sit within the Relationships Education curriculum. Parents will be able to withdraw their child from sex education within RSE (other than the sex education which sits in the National Curriculum as part of science). Government information on this can be found at

Parents / carers may contact Mr S Atkin to discuss withdrawal from elements of sex education.