The Catholic Life of our School
At Ss John Fisher & Thomas More Roman Catholic High School we aim to create transformational leaders of the twenty-first century, imbued with the spirit of Christ. We share the vision of the Catholic Education Service, which says that: “Christians are called to fulfil their potential and strive for excellence in all aspects of their lives”. The school is rooted in evangelisation and exists to share the love of Jesus Christ and spread the Kingdom of God.
Our Catholic ethos means that the school is authentically inclusive, celebrating the God-given talents that each one of our pupils is born with. Similarly, God calls us to serve and meet the needs of those pupils who are disadvantaged and marginalised, putting them at the heart of all that we do.
Animated by the Gospel, Ss John Fisher & Thomas More Roman Catholic High School maintains a distinct and special atmosphere. We remain steadfast in our Catholic tradition while embracing challenges with the love that God is.
Mission Statement
We seek to
- Recognise the worth and dignity of all people
- Deliver a high quality education
- Enable everyone to grow as balanced individuals, intellectually, spiritually and morally
- Provide a secure, supportive and stimulating Christian environment within the context of the Catholic tradition, in which justice, tolerance, forgiveness and generosity are practised with courtesy, consideration and common sense
- Offer young people a reason for living and hoping.
The GIFT Team
GIFT stands for Growing in Faith Together, and our committed team members, from all year groups, contribute significantly to the Catholic ethos of our school. The GIFT team share in the school’s purpose of evangelisation, leading in aspects of prayer, collective worship, and charity, working with members of staff, parish priests, and members of the school community.
In recent years, the GIFT team have led Advent and Lent liturgies, contributed prayers and read during the celebration of the Feast Day Mass of Ss John Fisher and Thomas More, raised money for CAFOD, and organised the collection of food for local charities.
Collective Worship
Collective worship is fundamental to the faith life of the school and is rooted in prayer, which takes place daily. The themes of prayer are centred around the liturgical year, saints, Catholic Social Teaching, our mission statement, and events and causes that are important to our faith.
Each year group has an assembly every week, which is based on scripture and the teachings of Christ, and reflects the theme of prayer. Pupils also have a house assembly once per half term.
Mass and liturgy are a real high point of collective worship at the school and are celebrated throughout the academic year. Pupils take a leading role in the planning and delivering of collective worship.
The Church teaches that charity is the theological virtue by which we love God above all things for his own sake, and our neighbour as ourselves for the love of God. The school takes this calling with intense conviction, supporting a number of charities and engaging in fundraising throughout the academic year. Each year our Advent collection supports Curry on the Street, our Lent fundraising supports the overseas work of CAFOD, and we promote the Diocese of Salford’s Caritas Love in Action Award (the current recipient has raised over £1000 for the Little Princess Trust).
In addition, each house at Ss John Fisher & Thomas More RC High School has chosen a local charity that it wants to support.
St Andrew: Pendleside Hospice
St David: Building Bridges Pendle
St George: Colne Youth Action Group
St Patrick: Curry on the Street
School Prayer
Loving God,
We thank you for all our opportunities.
Help us to form a community in which all our bright colours can shine.
Remind us to work hard, guide us to make good choices and teach us to be kind and fair.